Solo and Two Person Exhibitions:

Our Unity is a Business, Praz-Delavallade, Los Angeles, CA, US

CHORUS, Frankfurt Am Main, Berlin, DE
Winter’ 17, Almine Rech Gallery, London, UK

waxwing, Night Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, US
Kepenek, Lock Up International, Los Angeles, CA, US

Staying in the Shoe Box, Howard St., New York, NY, US
A thread-bare coat is armor proof against highwaymen, 56 Henry, New York, NY, US

Inside the White Cube, White Cube, London, UK
Bedroom Music, The Still House Group, New York, NY

Hold Tight, Ed Varie, New York, NY, US
Cold Boy’s Fire/Digital Physical, curated by Antonia Marsh, Adobe Books, San Francisco, CA, US
Portrait of the artist as a Visa Card, Steve Turner, Los Angeles, CA, US

Group Exhibitions:

Group Shoe 3, Curated by Mario Ayala, House of Seiko, San Francisco, CA, US

Le Magasin, Praz-Delavallade, Los Angeles, CA, US

Cliché, Almine Rech, New York, NY, US

Overview, SAMUEL, Chicago, US
My Own Tokonoma, The Impermanent Collection, Brussels, BE
Run-off, Exhaust, and Other Pressures, Big Medium, Austin, TX, US

#9 The Fool’s Tax, Museum Gallery, New York, NY, US

SCAPES, Auto Body, Long Island, NY, US
RUN(A)WAY, Night Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, US
Castles Burning, Room East, New York, NY, US
Fissure: Fog, Signal, Brooklyn, NY, US
Varela versus, Howard St., New York, NY, US
Testing Ground, Zabludowicz Collection, London, UK

About Like So: The Influence of Painting, Franklin Street Works, Stamford, CT, US
Service Entrance, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle, BE
Trains, curated by Sterling Ruby, Night Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, US
Group Show, Fondazione Museo Pino Pascali, Polignano a Mare, IT